6 Ways for Men’s Sun Tan Removal from Face, Arms, Legs.

Home remedies for Men’s sun tan removal: Tanned and dark skin can be as as result of extreme sun exposure. Men and boys who usually stay outdoors, can be the regular victims of sun tanning. Tanning not only makes the skin look darker but also causes sun burns, itching, rashes etc. Therefore, it becomes necessary that men too should take care of their skin. Skin care is for men also and men too needs care and attention. So, if you are struggling to get rid of the tan off your face, arms, legs, hands etc.
Men usually get tanned and dark skin even though their original skin color is fair. This is because most of the time due to sports activities, bike ride, college, field work or jobs etc, they stay a lot longer under the sun everyday.
This can also cause pigmentation on the skin. Following the quick and easy remedies, boys too can get their brightness back and get rid of suntan and darkness effectively.
Best Sun Tan Removal Tips for Men’s Skin
Check out some of the easy and quick remedies to get rid of the sun tanning from men’s tough skin. One more thing guys, you should daily use men's suncream to control the sun tan and skin darkening in the first place.
1. Lemon and Orange Juice For Sun Tan Lightening
Lemons are rich in vitamin C that lightens the skin tone and makes it super glowing. It enhances the beauty of your face and body skin. Lemon Juice removes the scars and acne marks. Moreover, the best thing is that it also acts like an exfoliator for the skin while removing the dead skin cells. Orange juice on the other hand, is another very effective citrus fruit which is really beneficial in removing tan and tanned skin. Honey reduces pigmentation and gives a radiant glow on your face. It has anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties, which protect the skin from daily wear and tear. This quick treatment makes the tan go faster.
How to make and apply this remedy?
- Take one orange and peel off its cover.
- Separate the orange pulp in a bowl
- Also add 1 spoon of lemon juice in it
- Blend them together and pour the juice in a small bowl
- You can also add 1 small spoon of honey in the mixture
- Mix all the ingredients together
- Apply this mask onto the face and neck evenly
- Leave it to dry out for 20 minutes.
- Wash it with cold water.
For the first week, do it everyday and then try it on alternate days.
2. Gram flour and Turmeric Treatment For Tan Removal
Gram flour is really good for detanning your skin. It has a variety of vitamins and other nutrients which makes the skin extremely healthy and clean. Gram flour or besan also cleanses the skin and removes all the dirt away. It keeps acne and excessive oiliness away. Turmeric has been used for ages to control the skin troubles. It heals every skin issue, including darkness and tanned skin. It is an ayurvedic medicine for the human skin, which can treat many issues. Gram flour with turmeric makes a good anti tan face pack.
How to make and apply this remedy?
- Add 2 spoons of gram flour powder in a bowl
- Now put a pinch of tablespoon of turmeric powder in it. (yes, we only need a pinch guys.)
- Add 2 spoons of water in the same bowl and make a pack.
- Now apply it onto the face evenly
- Keep it until it dries out
- Wash it with chilled water
Try this daily till you notice results.
3. Milk and Sandalwood Powder Pack for Sun Tan Removal
Sandalwood stick is an aromatic wood used in different ways since ages. It gives a radiant glow to the face and enhance skin’s natural beauty. Sandalwood face pack treats dark and pigmented skin easily. Milk is full with proteins and lactic acid, which is good for pigmented and tanned skin. It makes our facial skin soft and smooth. Milk enzymes are very helpful in reducing tan and dark skin tone. let’s see how it treats the tanning on men’s face.
How to make and use this remedy?
- Put 4 spoons of raw and fresh milk in the bowl
- Now add a half teaspoonful of sandalwood powder
- Mix them well and add 1 spoon of rose water (optional)
- Now massage your face and neck with this mixture in a circular motion
- Do not rub your skin and be gentle.
- Let it get dry.
- Then wash it with clear water.
How Often to do:
Do it everyday and when the tanning and sun burning is relived, do it twice in a week.
4. Potato Juice
Daily use of potato juice on the sun tanned skin shows good results in improvising the effects of sun tan.
How to do this?
- You can peel a medium sized potato and then grate it.
- The pulp that you get is what we need.
- Put that pulp in the sieve and press, it will separate the juice.
- Apply this juice to evenly massage the skin.
- This can be used on the hands, legs, arms etc too, where the sun tan is prominent.
- A lot of guys have sun tanning on the back of the neck as well, so apply this potato juice over there too.
- Keep for 1 hour then wash off.
How often to do?
Do this daily once you reach home to minimize the effects of sun tan safely.
5. Cucumber and Lemon Juice
Cucumber works as an astringent for oily skin and is also a great home method to fastly lighten the sun tan. Over exposure of sun rays on skin causes skin darkening. Therefore, this tanning should be controlled and removed as soon as possible. Using cucumber can actually help to whiten the skin and lighten dark patches of tan.
- Take a piece of cucumber and grind it. You will get a pulp that you have to squeeze to take out the juice.
- Now, take 2 teaspoonful of cucumber juice and add 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice.
- Mix these and apply on the face with cotton or finger tips.
6. Tomato Juice
Tomato juice is good for getting rid of the sun tanning. This juice is rich in lycopene enzyme that reduces the sun tanning and skin darkness.
- Take some pulp of tomato and mix some lemon juice in it. Just 7-8 drops of lemon juice will work.
- Apply this on the face, neck and body parts like arms, legs etc.
- Now, keep this for 30 minutes.
So, these were the home remedies that can help you get rid of the sun tan. You just need to apply these sun tan removal methods daily or times in a week to fully recover from tan.

RS. 350/
REMEMBER : only use twice a week.